Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Ab to dawa nahi dua chahiye

I generally read The Times of India and swear by NDTV. I know all CAT aspirants would run for Hindu,, but who cares. So once again, this post is about a byte from last week's TOI.

Their front page ran an article about CM of Delhi, Smt Shila Dixit "praying" that the deadlines for the common wealth games be met.

Seven of the ten projects have been lagging behing schedule. Thousands of crores of rupees have been pumped in and now in Chetan Bhagat style, she wants God to intervene.

I have a lot of respect for Ms Dixit. We have a commmon Alma matar. I admire her zeal and passion for Delhi. But what I fail to understand is her team's lack of foresightedness.

Delhi's face has changed for better over the last decade. CNG, wide roads, fly overs, metro and a swanky new fleet of low floor buses. But ambition can be a virtue and a vice. Simply put, we cant have the common wealth games. The Yamuna is now drain, city has a severe water and power shortage, the BRT went wrong, and there is bit too much of construction activity everywhere.

This goes hand in hand with the increasing babu dome and crime rate in the city. Trees cut for construction add to polution. There is lack of proper infrastructure for the games. Too much in too little time. The logistics are horribly wrong. The last time, Delhi had the Asiad Games was when the polulation was one tenth of what it was today.

So now, when all fails, she wants God to help to save face in front of the international media. My sincere request to madam would be try other means to gain eyeballs. I laud you for your efforts but alas do not bite more than you can chew. You have done a good job, but alas its time to head for the temple now.

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